A national flag Garuda Indonesia Airline plan to open direct flight to some countries such as India , USA also france to boast the tourism industry as soon as the international flight are open in Indonsia . That was what our CEO of Garuda Indonesia airline said . 

"The Tourism Ministry and Garuda Indonesia have agreed that in order to attract foreign tourists, one of the only clear ways is to introduce direct flights to Denpasar,” Garuda CEO  said during a hearing with the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta. 

According Mr Irfan ( the CEO ) , the direct flight will connect to some big cities in USA such as Los Angeles , San Francisco and some big cities such as Mumbai , New Delhi as well as Paris  . This city are chosen based on their spending capabilities . He added that most of peoples from those big country mostly spend more times for vacation or long holiday , most probably around 2 weeks or more .   

The direct flight will be from Bali Island because the island is the main tourism industry and the main entry all the tourists who visiting Indonesia , Not Jakarta . 

Tourism is the one of the main sectors with hardest hits bu COVID19 and Bali island struggling for big economy problem for this recent month . Bali send one of the biggest income to Indonesian government from tourism industry also most of Bali peoples are depending on tourism industry . There big numbers of unemployment due to covid outbreak . 90% tourism business are closed . 

It is also high on the wish lists of many holidaymakers seeking to travel after the pandemic. According to Dutch online ticketing company, Bali was listed among the most desirable tourist destinations by people in lock down around the world in March and April .

Garuda itself saw a 30 percent year-on-year slump in revenue to US$768.12 million in the first quarter from $1.1 billion in the same period last year. As a consequence, it booked a $120 million loss compared to the $20.48 million profit recorded in the January to March period of 2019.

The airline launched a direct flight between Mumbai and Denpasar in 2018, which was later closed in 2019. 

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